It supposed to be a face to face discussion with my dissertation’s supervisor but it turns out to be a phone discussion at a very last minute. His PLK class was cancelled and so do our planned discussion. As my dissertation only needs a minor correction he said it is ok to discuss it through phone. (Phone call discussion is normal for both of us since the early beginning of my dissertation). After few minutes discussing we hang off and planned to meet on the next coming Wednesday for final discussion and approval session.
Few second later I text my friend:
“Best kan supervisor aq..PLK class dia cancel so kitorang discuss through phone call je..hihi”
Guess what??
I sent the sms to the wrong recipient. Guess who the sms delivered to…it was my supervisor.
Luckily the text didn’t look like aq mengata dia walaupun ada sedikit unsur-unsur menganjing di situ. I was blur and feel guilty to him. No. Actually I was afraid that if he get mad. So, I text him:
“Sorry..sorry sgt2 Prof. saya tersalah hantar sms kt Prof.”
He replied:
I have to see him this coming next week but I don’t know how to act with this. Is it ok to act like nothing happen? Like I didn’t text him anything..huhu
Lesson learned:
1. Don’t get so excited to “menganjing” your supervisor.
2. Take a few minutes deep breath before you text anyone.
3. For SE HP users, carefully check your recipient before u press ‘SEND’
4. The most important, JANGAN NAK NGANJING LECTURER KO. X BAIK.DOSA. walaupun markah ko dh dapat.
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