”Faie, jom lari dari rumah”
”Ha! Nak lari ke mana?”
”Mana-mana lah. Jap lagi ada orang nak datang. Malas la nak jumpa.Jomla. Kita gi Tesco.”
”Ni serius nak gi ke memain jer?”
”Serius arr ni. Jom. Pukol 11 kita gi”
” Ok”.
It was 10.45 p.m on Saturday night. I was watching TV when suddenly my housemate asked me for a ’night ride’. The reason was our X-housemate is coming to take her stuffs and A wasn’t ready to meet her face to face for reasons which cannot be stated here.
We started our ’merayau-rayau’ at Tesco Extra. We do some window shoping at Tesco Extra. I know it is weird to do window shoping at Tesco. (eh! Biarla. Kitorang punya sukala nak window shoping sayur-sayur, dan barang dapur)
After that ..
” Jom tengok bazar kat Anggerik Mall”
”Anggerik Mall? Ada bazar ke kt situ?”
We reached at the bazar at about 12.00 a.m and was attracted by a group of mix of pakcik-makcik-pemuda-pemudi dancers dancing a POCO-POCO dance lead by an instructor. It was very interesting watching old men at about our fathers age dancing that dance. It is a very good dance-excersize and should be practice widely by teenagers.
About an hour later we went home and i received few sms and miscalled from my former schoolmate at my Maxis line. I called him back and we decided to go somewhere for minum&lepak. (this attitude should not be followed. It is not good for a girl to be outside of the house at 1.00am in the morning)
One message from 01*-*^&%#@(&
“Depan rumah”
Once I get in the car, they asked me where to go. Wah!! I’m a ladyboss..Without deciding where to go my friend drove the car headed to KL. We start rogering our schoolmates who stay in KL area. Finally, we decide to gather in Bangsar. And only 5 of us can make it and I was the only girl among them. But it’s ok. I felt safe with them. Just that, Bangsar is not like Shah Alam where you can still see gadis bertudung melepak at Mamak at 2.00 am. No one else at the Mamak was wearing tudung except me. Yang lain semua stock pakaian x cukup kain je. We rushed back to Shah Alam at about 4.00am dan mata semua orang dah start rabak.
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