while i was driving on friday morning i receive a phone call from miss elaine from gamuda..suprisingly..i got the interview..
wah..sgt cuak nk g interview ari senin ni..i wont repeat the same mistakes again..xmo dh aq jwb karut2 cam aritu..i ve to b more confident so that i can convince the interviewer...i ve to study about the company...
huhu..interview dh dpt 2..tp satu pon x confirm lg...
mase tgh basuh pggan smlm aq dpt 1 lg phone call..from naluri perintis jB..pulak dah nk kne trun jB utk interview kt sne rabu ni..tgh pikir2 lg samede nk g or x..tu la..gatal g mintak jauh2..padan muke ko..
status:ade la sgt gugup,cuak dan berkobar-kobar utk interview esok..aduh!!!takotnye!!!
1 comment:
eei...byknya interbiu dia dah g...hehek.bestnya!mesti ada satu yg sangkut...seronoknya!
*finally jumpa jugak aku blog nih*
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